Vape DFO has been speedy and reliable as always, however ive been trying to reach out as i recently bulk brought the 3500 Wave gunnpods. All flavours exceeded expectations except one - DOUBLE APPLE, im not sure if it is just a recall issue or what but the devices lasted half as long, Tasted absolutley awful and literally made me sick... not at all vape dfo's fault. However i think this batch from Gunnpod was botched as hell. I ordered 5/10 as i usually love ANY apple vape (especially from here) but these vapes specifically have made me actually sick, only lasted half as long and i hit them only half as much as the others. (even closed airflow to see if it would help) Tastes exactly like apple cider vinegar smells, and acidly burns your throat every hit. Got them last week, Gunnpod doing something terribly wrong with these ones. Vape DFO However, pleasure as always of course, fast delivery and cheap prices in bulk. If you could reach out id appreciate it <3
Flavor: 0.5/5
Device 1/5 (usually waves aren't this terrible)